Tuesday, July 21, 2020

My Extended Family

Welcome to the world of Responsibility, Love, Believe & Natural Relations.


I found this parrot in my college premises, heavily injured, attacked by a set of crows. She was a little baby then. It was 21st March, 2020. She was unable to eat food that time when I found her in the ground of my college premises, thrown from the sky by those crows. I had taken her into the lab & around 4 hours she was in the lab with me, I was trying to remove her fear and ultimately I succeed. I bring her to my home. After 7-8 days she recovered from the injury but she was habituated with our life style. She moves to entire house except the kitchen (It is restricted for her safety). She moves to outside of the room and also to the roof with us. Her best place is head, top of the fan. She likes to bath in the open air. She consumes almost every food we consumes. She become my family member, as my little daughter. She is the most adorable member of my family.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Movement: Green Leaf World

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Mission Objective

Every People Must Plant at least One Tree Every Year


Why this Movement Required?

Water is Life: The root of the tree helps to recharge the ground water, which is under safe level now for any Concrete base area, due to minimum soil contact with rain water.
Oxygen is Necessity: All we know.
Carbon Di-Oxide: Concentration is growing in very high rate regularly, Increasing the temperature.
Tree helps to us in many other ways like Balancing Natural Eco-System which is violating by us in our daily life.
You do not need to buy a tree. Just plant some seeds from whatever you eat daily like Pumpkin, Capsicum, Chilly, Mango etc etc.
Plant such seeds from where you will get some food also. It will be produced in small quantity but with high quality & tests.
Plant an Aloe Vera tree, maximum after 6 months you will get your own best quality product for your skin.
Etc etc....
Global Warming: The warning of global warming is signaling by the heat wave. It is sensible from the year 2024, we do not have much time to repaire(at least try to repair) the damages already performed the human with the help of technology.

This is not for them who loves Nature, this is required for every one who are unaware about the facts that we are all already suffering for rapid decreasing of Trees with respect to Population Ratio.
Being a human EVERY ONE must be responsible to PROTECT yourself, your family, your next generation with the help of NATURE.
This is not a Request, It’s Our Requirement
If You started it today, next one month is sufficient to get the first level of protection
No Like, No Emoji Please....
Plant at least a Tree & Share This Concept....

Thank You.
Prof. Shyam K. Mondal,
Department of Computer Science,
Syamaprasad College,
Email: to.shyam.k.mondal@gmail.com
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